Faith Life
The school mission statement is at the very heart of our school and known by all the children, adults, parents and carers in our school. It is our daily prayer and based on the 5 W's:
(Welcome) Dear God, you are at the heart of our loving and caring school family at St Christopher's.
(Word) I will work hard today: never give up, do my best and use those talents you have given me.
(Welfare) I will show love and respect for all children and adults who work and play in my school.
(Witness & Worship) I will always think of what you would want me to do and find times to speak to you in prayer.
Together in Faith, Friendship, Kindness and Courage
R.E. Subject Leader: Miss Mulhall
R.E. Governor: Gemma Grahame-Betts
Parish Link: Barbara Quigley
Sacramental Programme
The Year 3 children in our school complete the sacrament of reconciliation (First Forgiveness) and Eucharist (Holy Communion). The Parish Priest with the Parish Catechists complete a programme of training which leads the children to their Holy Communion. Through this programme they have a complete understanding of these sacraments.
Religious Education
Religious Education at the school is of the highest standard and the most important subject at our school. We use a scheme called, "Come and See." We also learn about other faiths in our society and their beliefs. We also deliver units on Catholic Social Teaching (CST). There are seven different Catholic Social Teaching Units and they give our children a moral purpose in life.
We teach SRE (Sex, Relationships Education) using Ten Ten: Life To The Full. The R.E. Subject Leader and class teachers are available to talk through any questions you may have.
Faith Leaders
We have a group of children who lead the spiritual, charity and prayer life of the school. Please see 'Pupil Leadership'.
Charity Work
There is a saying we use in school from Archbishop Oscar Romero "Aspire not to have more but to be more." At St Christopher's we do much work for charities supported by the Diocese of Salford: Caritas, Cornerstones and CAFOD. We try to support the local community as much as possible by organising events and taking part in community projects. We work closely with The Station Pub in Ashton-under-Lyne to support the homeless.
Please view all events on the gallery area of the website.
The three main policies we have are: R.E. Policy, Collective Worship Policy and the RSHE policy. They are available in school for you to read. Please ask the school administrator.