St Christopher's Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside , OL6 9DP
0161 330 5880


Our religious education curriculum has been specifically tailored to meet the context of our school. It is designed to be braod and balanced, providing all pupils with the opportunity to master their learning and deepened the knowledge, making sense and giving purpose as to why we learn about religion, which will help them change and transform our society, putting their faith into action.

As a Catholic school we are deeply committed to developing the children's faith, with Jesus Christ as our inspiration and Our Blessed Lady as our role model. Our vision is made real as we put our mission into practice and our deep committment to preparing children for modren life in Britain and the wider world., with a clear and moral purpose. We challenge themm to become resiliant, confident and independent learners. 

We develop the children's knowledge and understanding of other faiths respecting and appreciating alternative viewpoints. We recognise that the social, moral, spiritual and cultural diversity of our city and our local community are a vital source to be investigated, to encourage curiosity, tolerence and respect and to inspire pupils to understand how life in modern Britain and the wider world is changing around them. 

The religious education of our pupils is the core of the core curriculum. 10% RE curriculum time is allocated across all key stage. The staffing and resourcing devoted to RE is of the higherest standard. The requirements of the Religious Education Directory are met by all key stages including the Foundation Stage. 

The school uses the 'Come and See' scheme of work. Please see the curriculum area for more detail. The Come and See scheme:

  • The idea is that all classes are studying the same fundamental topic, with a differentiated theme suited to their age. 
  • The main themes are the church, sacraments and christian living.
  • Children come and see the wonder that is within them and beyond them.
  • God offers the invitation to come and see

From September 2025 a new RE curriculum will be implemented across all classes. "To know uou more clearly.' The Religious Education Directory' sets out the new curriculum following a pettern where children hear, believe,celebrate and live out the Gospel. Over ethe next year there will be a transitional phase where we move from the old to the new curriculum. 

September 2024: We will be trialiling the new curriculum resources in 'Lighting the Path' in Year 1 and Year 3. These year groups will use resources from the new curriculum following the Year 1, and  Year 3 objectives. To support teaching this new curriculum teachers will be using a new scheme of work called, 'Lighting the Path' which is divided into six branches and supplemented by other resources. 

September 2025: EYFS, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 will be teaching the new curriculum from the 'Lighting the Path' resource.  Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will keep using the 'Come and See' scheme of work. 

September 2026: It is anticpated that the whole school will be using the 'Lighting the Path' scheme of work. Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will start teaching the new curriculum from the 'Lighting the Path' scheme of work.