School Money
SchoolMoney is our online payments system, where parents can pay using a debit card for trips, clubs, lunches and wraparound care.
To log into SchoolMoney, visit the website (use the link below) and click on the sign-in button in the top right-hand corner.
In the drop-down menu, select the SchoolMoney Parent Login option and this will send you through to a page where you need to enter your mobile number, email address, the password we have sent to you, and your child’s first name.
Please contact the school office if you experience any difficulties accessing the system.
School Money
SchoolMoney is our online payments system, where parents can pay using a debit card for trips, clubs, lunches and wraparound care.
To log into SchoolMoney, visit the website (use the link below) and click on the sign-in button in the top right-hand corner.
In the drop-down menu, select the SchoolMoney Parent Login option and this will send you through to a page where you need to enter your mobile number, email address, the password we have sent to you, and your child’s first name.
Please contact the school office if you experience any difficulties accessing the system.
School Money
SchoolMoney is our online payments system, where parents can pay using a debit card for trips, clubs, lunches and wraparound care.
To log into SchoolMoney, visit the website (use the link below) and click on the sign-in button in the top right-hand corner.
In the drop-down menu, select the SchoolMoney Parent Login option and this will send you through to a page where you need to enter your mobile number, email address, the password we have sent to you, and your child’s first name.
Please contact the school office if you experience any difficulties accessing the system.