Current Governing Body Information 2023-2024
Name: Ian Noone
Category of Governor: Headteacher
Committees: Admissions, Finance & Staffing and Safeguarding
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Terry Gould (Chair of Governors)
Term of Office: 27.01.20 - 26.01.24
Category of Governor: Foundation
Curriculum Area: RE, RSE and EYFS
Committees: Admissions and Finance & Staffing
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Helen Hall
Term of Office: 26.10.19-25.10.23
Category of Governor: Parent
Committees: Chair of the Pupil Support and Covid-19
Curriculum Area: Computing & English
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Gemma Graham Betts (Vice Chair of Governors)
Term of Office: 31.10.22 - 30.10.26
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: Health & Safety and Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee
Curriculum Area: MFL
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Lizzie Lane
Term of Office: 15.09.22 - 14.09.26
Category of Governor: Local Authority
Committees: Finance & Staffing and Quality Assurance
Curriculum Area: Art & Design and Design Technology
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: David Green
Term of Office: 31.08.20 - 30.08.24
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: Finance & Staffing and Quality Assurance
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Emma Matthews
Term of Office: 26.10.23 - 25.10.27
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: Curriculum Link Governor and Quality Assurance
Curriculum Area: Mathematics and Science
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Antony Van Weedenberg
Category of Governor: Foundation
Term of Office: 26.10,23 - 25.10.27
Committees: Health & Safety, Quality Assurance and Covid-19
Curriculum Area: History & Geography
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Kellyann Winston
Category of Governor: Parent
Term of Office: 15.09.22- 15.09.26
Committees: Pupil Support
Curriculum Area: PE
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Clare Barber
Category of Governor: Foundation
Term of Office: 26.10,23 - 25.10.27
Committees: Pupil Support, Curriculum
Curriculum Area: Music
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Lucy Mulhall
Category of Governor: Staff
Term of Office: 25.11.21 - 25.11.25
Committees: Quality Assurance
Curriculum Area:
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Governors Statement
St Christopher's is a Roman Catholic Primary School in the Diocese of Salford.
The Governing Body is dedicated to steering the strategic direction of the school by empowering the Headteacher, children and all staff to achieve the school vision.
We act as "critical friends" to the Headteacher and Senior leadership Team, reviewing the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
We oversee the financial performance of the school ensuring money is appropriately spent.
Terry Gould
Governing Body Chair
Current Governing Body Information 2023-2024
Name: Ian Noone
Category of Governor: Headteacher
Committees: Admissions, Finance & Staffing and Safeguarding
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Terry Gould (Chair of Governors)
Term of Office: 27.01.20 - 26.01.24
Category of Governor: Foundation
Curriculum Area: RE, RSE and EYFS
Committees: Admissions and Finance & Staffing
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Helen Hall
Term of Office: 26.10.19-25.10.23
Category of Governor: Parent
Committees: Chair of the Pupil Support and Covid-19
Curriculum Area: Computing & English
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Gemma Graham Betts (Vice Chair of Governors)
Term of Office: 31.10.22 - 30.10.26
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: Health & Safety and Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee
Curriculum Area: MFL
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Lizzie Lane
Term of Office: 15.09.22 - 14.09.26
Category of Governor: Local Authority
Committees: Finance & Staffing and Quality Assurance
Curriculum Area: Art & Design and Design Technology
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: David Green
Term of Office: 31.08.20 - 30.08.24
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: Finance & Staffing and Quality Assurance
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Emma Matthews
Term of Office: 26.10.23 - 25.10.27
Category of Governor: Foundation
Committees: Curriculum Link Governor and Quality Assurance
Curriculum Area: Mathematics and Science
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Antony Van Weedenberg
Category of Governor: Foundation
Term of Office: 26.10,23 - 25.10.27
Committees: Health & Safety, Quality Assurance and Covid-19
Curriculum Area: History & Geography
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Kellyann Winston
Category of Governor: Parent
Term of Office: 15.09.22- 15.09.26
Committees: Pupil Support
Curriculum Area: PE
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Clare Barber
Category of Governor: Foundation
Term of Office: 26.10,23 - 25.10.27
Committees: Pupil Support, Curriculum
Curriculum Area: Music
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Name: Lucy Mulhall
Category of Governor: Staff
Term of Office: 25.11.21 - 25.11.25
Committees: Quality Assurance
Curriculum Area:
Business Interests: None
Financial Interests: None
Governance roles in other schools: None
Governors Statement
St Christopher's is a Roman Catholic Primary School in the Diocese of Salford.
The Governing Body is dedicated to steering the strategic direction of the school by empowering the Headteacher, children and all staff to achieve the school vision.
We act as "critical friends" to the Headteacher and Senior leadership Team, reviewing the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
We oversee the financial performance of the school ensuring money is appropriately spent.
Terry Gould
Governing Body Chair