The Sacramental Programme
St Christopher's RC Primary and Nursery School work with the parish catechist team to deliver the Sacramental Programme. If your child is in Year 3 or above, and you wish your child to receive the sacraments of Reconcilation and First Holy Communion this year, you can do this by ensuring your child attends the sacramental programme delivered by the parich catechist team.
The meetings take place at St Anne's church hall, Burlington Street, Ashton Under Lyne, OL6 7DG. The Sacramental team is led by Jane Holgate who can be contacted via the school email: The full list of dates will be distributed to parents in January and usually consists of 6 meetiings on a Saturday morning starting in January, usually at 9 a.m.. The meetings last for one hour and the children are prepared to take their First Holy Communion at St Christopher's in June.