St Christopher’s RC Primary and Nursery School Vision & Mission
“With God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26
FAITH: Our children will have a Catholic faith that supports, gives meaning to life and guides them in today’s society. Our children will understand their spiritual side and have a belief that there is something greater than themselves. They will understand the importance of peace, meditation and reflection in their lives. Our children will understand and respect other faiths and cultures in our society so that they will have a mutual respect and tolerance of other people’s faiths, beliefs and lifestyle choices.
FRIENDSHIP: To be a school that is a happy family where everyone works as a team and knows how to be a good friend. Children love learning and enjoy their curriculum. They value and have opportunities to understand the history and resources available in the city and community in which they live. Our children will understand the importance of giving to others and supporting charities. Our children will appreciate and understand the community and city in which they live. We will develop our children's cultural capital by exposing thm to all that is available through the subjects they cover, trips and visits. Our school will promote equality of opportunity and diversity and will appreciate and respect difference in the world.
KINDNESS: Our children will understand that being kind to others, grateful, giving and positive leads to true happiness. They understand that they must be kind to themselves through learning about personal development. Children will appreciate the environment in which they live in and have opportunities to learn about it and the damage we are doing to the earth. Our children will learn to be kind to our environment and look after our natural resources.
COURAGE: A school where children have resilience, high expectations; know the value of hard work and being healthy. They are positive and well-motivated individuals. The school curriculum is ambitious, well planned and gives the children the knowledge and skills for future learning. Children enjoy being challenged in their learning; they enjoy learning new things and are not scared to fail. They will always try and be the best version of themselves and enjoy a brilliant school life that prepares them for the next stage of their education and enables them to reach their true potential.